HTML <html> Tag

The <html> tag is a root element of an HTML document. It contains all HTML elements that inform the browser that this is an HTML document. Before the <html> tag we must put only the <!DOCTYPE> declaration, which informs about the HTML version used in the document.

The child elements of the <html> tag are:

  • The <head> tag which contains technical information for browsers enclosed in <title>, <script>, <link> and other tags).
  • The <body> tag which defines the content of an HTML document (text, images, links, etc.).

We recommend using the <html> tag with the lang attribute, which defines the language of the document. It simplifies the indexing of a web page, helps browsers to correctly display national characters, and devices that read from the screen to correctly determine the pronunciation.
<html lang="en">


The <html> tag comes in pairs. The content is written between the opening (<html>) and closing (</html>) tags.

Example of the HTML <html> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <title>Title of the document</title>
      The content of the page


html tag  example


Attribute Value Description
manifest URL Specifies the URL of the resource where the manifest is located with the list of resources that should be cached in the user's browser (for offline viewing).
xmlns Specifies the XML namespace for the document (if the XHTML document correspondence is required).
Required in XHTML.
In HTML 5 it isn’t required.

The <html> tagsupports the Global Attributes and the Event Attributes.

Browser support

chrome edge firefox safari opera

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