The HTML5 <canvas> element is used for drawing graphics via scripting (commonly JavaScript). But the <canvas> element does not have drawing opportunities on its own. To draw the graphics, you must use a script because the <canvas> element is only a container for graphics.
The getContext() method returns an object which presents properties and methods for drawing on the canvas.
Colors, Styles, and Shadows
Property | Description |
fillStyle | Sets or returns the color, gradient, or pattern used to fill the shapes. |
strokeStyle | Sets or returns the color, gradient, or pattern used for the lines around the shapes. |
shadowColor | Sets or returns the color of the shadows. |
shadowBlur | Sets or returns the blur level of the shadows. |
shadowOffsetX | Sets or returns the x offset of the shadow. |
shadowOffsetY | Sets or returns the y offset of the shadow. |
Method | Description |
createLinearGradient() | Creates a linear gradient for using on the canvas content. |
createPattern() | Repeats a particular element in the specified direction. |
createRadialGradient() | Creates a circular/radial gradient for using on the canvas content. |
addColorStop() | Defines colors and stop positions in the gradient object. |
Line Styles
Property | Description |
lineCap | Sets or returns the style of the line’s end caps. |
lineJoin | Sets or returns the type of drawn corners. |
lineWidth | Sets or returns the width of the current line. |
miterLimit | Sets or returns the maximum miter length. |
Method | Description |
rect() | Creates rectangles. |
fillRect() | Draws filled rectangles. |
strokeRect() | Draws rectangular outlines. |
clearRect() | Clears the specified pixels within a particular rectangle. |
Method | Description |
fill() | Fills the path to the canvas. |
stroke() | Draws the defined path. |
beginPath() | Begins a new path or resets the current path. |
moveTo() | Moves the path to the defined point in the canvas without drawing a line. |
closePath() | Adds a path from the current point back to the start point. |
lineTo() | Adds a line to the current sub-path. |
clip() | Restricts the drawing to a particular area. |
quadraticCurveTo() | Adds a quadratic Bézier curve. |
bezierCurveTo() | Adds a cubic Bézier curve. |
arc() | Adds an arc/curve for creating circles or parts of circles. |
arcTo() | Adds an arc/curve between two tangents. |
isPointInPath() | Defines whether the specified point is in the current path, or not. |
Method | Description |
scale() | Scales up or scales down the current drawing. |
rotate() | Rotates the current drawing. |
translate() | Adjusts the coordinate system of the canvas. |
transform() | Applies transformation matrix to the canvas. |
setTransform() | Is similar to transform(). Can be used to skew, scale, and translate the canvas. |
Property | Description |
font | Sets the appearance of a text drawn on the canvas. |
textAlign | Sets the alignment of a text drawn on the canvas. |
textBaseline | Sets the vertical alignment of a text drawn on the canvas. |
Method | Description |
fillText() | Adds text to the canvas. |
strokeText() | Adds outlined text to the canvas. |
measureText() | Measures the text width. |
Image Drawing
Method | Description |
drawImage() | Draws an image, video, or canvas onto the canvas. |
Pixel Manipulation
Property | Description |
width | Returns an ImageData object’s width. |
height | Returns an ImageData object’s height. |
data | Returns an object which contains image data of a specified ImageData object. |
Method | Description |
createImageData() | Creates a newImageData object. |
getImageData() | Returns an ImageData object which copies the pixel data for the specified rectangle. |
putImageData() | Puts the image data onto the canvas from the ImageData object. |
Property | Description |
globalAlpha | Sets or returns the current alpha/transparency/ value. |
globalCompositeOperation | Sets or returns the type of compositing operation when a new image is drawn. |
Method | Description |
save() | Saves the current state of a context. |
restore() | Returns the path state and attributes saved previously. |
createEvent() | Creates an event object. |
getContext() | Returns a drawing context. |
toDataURL() | Returns a data URL. |
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What can the method getContext('2d') do in HTML5 Canvas?
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