
The vsprintf() function in PHP is used to format a string and return it as a value instead of outputting it to the screen. It works in the same way as sprintf(), except that the arguments are passed in an array rather than as separate parameters.


Here is the syntax of the vsprintf() function:

vsprintf(format, args_array)

The first argument is a string that contains placeholders for the values that will be inserted into the string. These placeholders begin with a percent (%) character and are followed by a letter that specifies the type of data that will be inserted.

The second argument is an array of values that will be inserted into the placeholders. The values must be in the order that they appear in the string.


Here is an example of how to use vsprintf():


$values = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
$result = vsprintf('I like %s, %s, and %s.', $values);
echo $result;

This will output:

I like apple, banana, and orange.

In this example, the %s placeholders are replaced with the values in the $values array, and the resulting string is returned by vsprintf() and stored in the $result variable.

The vsprintf() function is useful when you need to format a string and use it as a value in your code, rather than outputting it directly to the screen.

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