Our article is about the PHP function parse_str(), which is used to parse a query string into variables. This function is useful for working with URLs and form data in PHP. In this article, we will discuss the syntax and usage of parse_str(), as well as provide some examples.

The parse_str() function is used to parse a query string into variables. The syntax of the parse_str() function is as follows:

void parse_str ( string $str , array &$arr [, string $separator = '&' [, string $eq = '=' ] ] )

The function takes three parameters, $str, $arr, $separator, and $eq. The $str parameter is the query string to be parsed, and the $arr parameter is the array in which to store the parsed variables. The $separator parameter is an optional string used to separate variable assignments in the query string. The $eq parameter is an optional string used to separate variable names from their values in the query string.

Here is an example of how to use the parse_str() function:

$query = 'name=John+Doe&age=35&gender=male';
parse_str($query, $output);

In this example, we have a string variable $query containing a query string. We use the parse_str() function to parse the query string into an array.

The output of this code will be:

    [name] => John Doe
    [age] => 35
    [gender] => male

As you can see, the parse_str() function has parsed the query string into an array.

The parse_str() function is a useful tool for working with URLs and form data in PHP. It can help you parse a query string into variables, which is useful for various purposes such as data manipulation and validation. By mastering this function, you can become a more proficient PHP developer.

We hope this article has been helpful in understanding the parse_str() function in PHP.

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