PHP Timezones

A timezone is a region of the world that has a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. In PHP, timezones are represented as strings that identify a geographic region, such as "America/New_York" or "Europe/London".

PHP Timezone Functions

PHP provides several functions for working with timezones. Here are some of the most commonly used functions:

1. date_default_timezone_set()

This function sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script. It takes a timezone string as its argument, such as "America/New_York" or "Europe/London".

2. date_default_timezone_get()

This function returns the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script.

3. timezone_identifiers_list()

This function returns an indexed array containing all defined timezone identifiers.

4. timezone_abbreviations_list()

This function returns an associative array containing timezone abbreviations and their offsets from UTC.

5. timezone_name_from_abbr()

This function returns the timezone name from an abbreviation.

6. timezone_offset_get()

This function returns the timezone offset from UTC for a given timezone and date.

Usage Examples

Let's take a look at some practical examples of using PHP timezone functions.

Example 1: Setting the Default Timezone

Suppose you want to set the default timezone to "America/New_York". You can do this using the date_default_timezone_set() function, like this:


This sets the default timezone to "America/New_York".

Example 2: Getting the Default Timezone

Suppose you want to get the default timezone. You can do this using the date_default_timezone_get() function, like this:


$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
echo "The default timezone is: " . $timezone;


This outputs "The default timezone is: America/New_York" (assuming the default timezone is set to "America/New_York").

Example 3: Listing Timezone Identifiers

Suppose you want to list all defined timezone identifiers. You can do this using the timezone_identifiers_list() function, like this:


$timezones = timezone_identifiers_list();
foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
    echo $timezone . "\n";


This outputs a list of all defined timezone identifiers.


In this article, we've discussed PHP timezones and the functions used to work with them. We've explained what timezones are, and provided examples of some of the most commonly used PHP timezone functions. By using these functions in your PHP applications, you can easily work with timezones and ensure that your date and time calculations are accurate and reliable.

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