Understanding PHP echo and print statements

In the world of PHP programming, the two most commonly used methods for outputting text are the echo and print statements. These two functions perform similar actions, but there are some important differences between them.

PHP echo statement

The echo statement is used to output one or more strings of text. It can be used in several different ways, but the most common usage is to output a single string of text:


echo "Hello World!";


In addition to simple text output, echo can also be used to output variables and the results of expressions:


$num = 5;
echo "The value of num is: " . $num;


PHP print statement

The print statement is similar to echo in that it is used to output text. However, there are some key differences between the two. The main difference is that print is a function, while echo is not. This means that print can be used in expressions and can be assigned to variables:

$output = print "Hello World!";

Like echo, print can also be used to output variables and the results of expressions:


$num = 5;
print "The value of num is: " . $num;


Comparison between echo and print

When deciding between echo and print, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • echo is faster than print because it does not return a value.
  • print is a function, so it can be used in expressions and can be assigned to variables.
  • echo can take multiple parameters, separated by commas, while print can only take a single parameter.

In most cases, the choice between echo and print will come down to personal preference. However, for performance-critical code, it is recommended to use echo as it is faster.


Whether you use echo or print, both statements are essential for outputting text in PHP. Understanding the differences between the two and when to use each will help you write better, more efficient code. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced PHP developer, it is important to have a good understanding of these two statements and how they work.

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