In this article, we will focus on the PHP pack() function. We will provide you with an overview of the function, how it works, and examples of its use.

Introduction to the pack() function

The pack() function is a built-in function in PHP that is used to convert data into a binary string. It is a powerful tool that can be used to serialize data and to communicate with external systems that require binary data.

The pack() function takes a format string as its first argument and one or more data values as its subsequent arguments. The format string specifies the binary format of the data, and the data values are converted into a binary string according to the format string.

How to use the pack() function

Using the pack() function is very simple. You just need to call the function and pass a format string and one or more data values to be converted into a binary string. Here is an example:

// Convert data to a binary string
$data = pack('N', 123);

// Output binary string
echo bin2hex($data);

In this example, we have a variable $data that contains the binary string representation of the number 123. We call the pack() function with a format string of N, which specifies that we want to pack the data as a 32-bit unsigned long in network byte order. We then output the binary string in hexadecimal format using the bin2hex() function.

Supported format characters

The pack() function supports a wide variety of format characters that specify the binary format of the data. Some of the most commonly used format characters include:

  • a - NUL-padded string
  • A - Space-padded string
  • c - Signed char
  • C - Unsigned char
  • n - Unsigned short in network byte order
  • N - Unsigned long in network byte order
  • s - Signed short in native byte order
  • S - Unsigned short in native byte order
  • v - Unsigned short in little-endian byte order
  • V - Unsigned long in little-endian byte order

For a complete list of supported format characters, please refer to the official PHP documentation.


In conclusion, the pack() function is a powerful tool for converting data into a binary string. By understanding how to use the function and the format characters that are supported, you can take advantage of this feature to serialize data and to communicate with external systems that require binary data.

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