Introduction to the constant() Function

The constant() function in PHP is used to retrieve the value of a constant.

Usage of the constant() Function

The constant() function takes one argument, which is the name of the constant whose value is to be retrieved. The function returns the value of the constant.

Example Usage of the constant() Function

Here's an example of how the constant() function can be used in PHP:


define("PI", 3.14159);

$radius = 5;

$area = constant("PI") * $radius * $radius;

echo "The area of a circle with radius $radius is $area.";

In this example, the constant PI is defined with the value 3.14159. The constant() function is then used to retrieve the value of PI, which is then used to calculate the area of a circle.


In conclusion, the constant() function in PHP is a useful tool for retrieving the value of constants in your code. It is a simple function that takes one argument, the name of the constant, and returns its value.

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