How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about OBJECT
To call a function from a module by using its name as a string, you can use the importlib module.
In PHP, anonymous objects can be created using the new class syntax.
You can use the hasattr function to check if an object has an attribute.
There are several ways to copy an object in Java. Here are a few options:
You can use the sys.getsizeof() function to determine the size of an object in bytes.
To print a Java object in a more readable format, you can override the toString() method in your class.
To cast an Object to an int in Java, you can use the intValue() method of the Integer class.
In this tutorial, you can find a comprehensive guideline on how to convert a PHP array to JavaScript accurately. Just check out the options and examples.
You can use the json_decode function in PHP to convert a JSON string into a PHP object.
If you wish to manipulate with the DateTime object in PHP, then this snippet is for you. Here, you will learn how to correctly convert DateTime to string.
In PHP, you can create a new property for an object dynamically by using the magic method __set.
This error typically occurs when a variable is accessed as an object, but it has not been initialized or set to an object.
The "invalid argument supplied for foreach()" is considered a common PHP error. With the help of this tutorial, you will figure out how to resolve it.
Here is an example of how you can initialize an array of objects in Java:
There are several ways you can pass an object from one activity to another on Android:
To print instances of a class using the built-in print() function, you can define a __str__ method within the class.
In PHP, you can use the built-in function array_filter() to filter the array by a specific property's value.
It looks like you are trying to access a property of an object that has not been defined.
Here is an example of how to remove an object from an array of objects in PHP:
In PHP, the $_SESSION superglobal is used to store data that needs to persist across multiple page requests.
On this page, you will learn what is the difference between the HTML <embed> and <object> tags and which one is better to use. Read the snippet and find examples.
In Python 3, all classes automatically inherit from the object class.