Null object in Python

In Python, the "null" object is called None. It is a special object that represents the absence of a value or a null value. It is an instance of the NoneType class and only has one value, which is None.

You can use the None object to represent the absence of a value in a variable or a function that doesn't return any value. For example, you can initialize a variable with no value like this:

x = None
print('x is defined as: ', x)

Or, you can define a function that doesn't return anything like this:

def my_function():
    print("Hello World!")

return_value = my_function()
print(return_value)  # prints None

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It is also often used as a placeholder for function arguments which are optional and the default value is not provided .

def example(arg = None):
    if arg is None:
        print("arg not provided")
        print("arg provided: ",arg)

example() # arg not provided
example("Provided arg") # arg provided: Provided arg

It can also be useful in certain type of iteration and traversal when there is no data in the container, to check if iteration should end or not.

while node is not None:
    node =

Note that None is a singleton, which means that all variables that are assigned None are actually references to the same object in memory. You can check that by using the is keyword.

x = None
y = None

print(x is y) #True