How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about ANDROID
To change the color of a Floating Action Button (FAB) in Android, you can use the setBackgroundTintList() method and pass it a color state list.
In Android, you can use a TextWatcher to listen for changes to the text in a TextView or EditText view.
If the Android SDK installation is unable to find the JDK (Java Development Kit), it could be because the JDK is not installed or is not installed in the default location.
To split a string in Android, you can use the split() method of the String class.
To convert a string to an integer in Android, you can use the Integer.parseInt method.
In Java, you can convert a double to a string using the Double.toString() method or the String.valueOf() method.
To download a file with Android and show the progress in a ProgressDialog, you can use the following steps:
Execution failed for task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac is an error message that can occur when you are trying to build an Android project in Android Studio.
In Java, a class can only extend from one superclass (i.e., it can only have one direct parent class).
The java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema error can occur if the required Java XML Binding (JAXB) classes are not present on the classpath.
To get a JSON object from a HTTP response in Java, you can use the JSONObject class from the org.json library.
The Connection timed out error usually occurs when a client is trying to connect to a server, but the connection request is taking too long to complete.
If GSON is throwing a JsonSyntaxException with the message "Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY", it means that you are trying to parse a JSON array as if it were a JSON object.
The android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException is a runtime exception that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on the main thread.
To generate a random number in a specific range in Android, you can use the nextInt method of the java.util.Random class.
To set a background drawable programmatically in Android, you can use the setBackgroundDrawable method of the View class.
To add a button click event in Android Studio, follow these steps:
To call a method after a delay in Android, you can use the Handler class and the postDelayed() method. The postDelayed() method takes a Runnable and a delay in milliseconds as arguments, and it runs the Runnable after the specified delay.
To call a SOAP web service on Android, you can use the HttpURLConnection class to send an HTTP request to the web service and receive the response.
To check the certificate name and alias in a keystore file, you can use the keytool utility that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK).
To check for internet access on Android, you can use the isReachable() method of the InetAddress class.
To create a JSON object from a string in Java, you can use the org.json library. Here's an example of how to do this:
To create a RecyclerView with multiple view types in Android, you will need to use a RecyclerView.Adapter that supports multiple view types.
To decompile DEX (Dalvik Executable) files into Java source code, you can use a DEX decompiler such as JD-GUI or DEX2JAR.
To get the current location in Android, you can use the LocationManager class and the LocationProvider interface.