How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about ANDROID
To launch an activity from another application in Android, you can use an Intent with the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag set.
There are several ways you can pass an object from one activity to another on Android:
To print to the console in Android Studio, you can use the Log class from the android.util package.
To set the selected item of a Spinner by value (not by position) in Android, you can use the setSelection() method of the Spinner class and pass it the index of the item that you want to select.
Yes, there are several ways to run Python on Android:
To read and write a string from and to a file in Android, you can use the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes along with the InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter classes.
To handle clicks on items in a RecyclerView, you can set an OnClickListener on the View that represents each item in the RecyclerView.
To send an email in Android using the JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app, you can use the following steps:
To set the width and height of an ImageView programmatically, you can use the setLayoutParams() method and pass it a LayoutParams object.
If you are seeing the error "Unfortunately, MyApp has stopped," it means that your Android app has crashed. This can be caused by a number of factors, including:
To use context in a fragment, you will need to provide enough information within the fragment itself for the reader to understand the context.
RecyclerView does not have an onItemClickListener() method because it is not directly responsible for displaying a list of items.