

PHP's function date timezone identifiers are used to specify a timezone for a given date or time. These identifiers can be used with the date_default_timezone_set function to set the default timezone for a script or with the DateTimeZone class to create a new timezone object.

The full list of PHP's function date timezone identifiers can be found below:

  • A - Africa
  • B - America
  • C - Antarctica
  • D - Asia
  • E - Atlantic
  • F - Australia
  • G - Europe
  • H - Indian
  • I - Pacific

Each timezone identifier represents a specific geographical region and is assigned a unique identifier in the form of a letter. For example, the identifier "A" represents the African region and includes time zones such as Central African Time (CAT), Eastern African Time (EAT), and South African Standard Time (SAST).

To use a timezone identifier in PHP, simply call the date_default_timezone_set function and pass in the identifier as a string. For example, to set the timezone to Eastern Standard Time (EST), you would use the following code:



Alternatively, you can use the DateTimeZone class to create a new timezone object and specify the identifier as a parameter. For example:


$timezone = new DateTimeZone('Asia/Tokyo');

This creates a new timezone object for the Asia/Tokyo timezone.

It's important to note that some timezone identifiers may not be supported on all systems or may be deprecated. To ensure compatibility and accuracy, we recommend using the timezone database maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

In addition to the standard timezone identifiers, PHP also supports custom time zones. These can be specified using a UTC offset or a timezone abbreviation. For example, to specify the Pacific Standard Time (PST) timezone, you can use the following code:


$timezone = new DateTimeZone('-08:00');

This creates a new timezone object with a UTC offset of -8 hours.

Overall, PHP's function date timezone identifiers provide a powerful and flexible way to manage time zones in your PHP applications. By using the correct identifier for your region, you can ensure accurate and consistent time calculations across all of your systems.

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