PHP openlog() Function: Everything You Need to Know

As a PHP developer, you may need to log system messages for debugging purposes. The openlog() function is a built-in function in PHP that allows you to open a connection to the system logger for logging system messages. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the openlog() function and its usage.

What is the openlog() Function?

The openlog() function is a PHP built-in function that allows you to open a connection to the system logger for logging system messages.

How to Use the openlog() Function

Using the openlog() function is straightforward. Here is the syntax of the function:

openlog($ident, $option, $facility);

The function takes three parameters:

  • $ident: A string that will be prepended to every message.
  • $option: An integer that specifies options for opening the connection to the system logger.
  • $facility: An integer that specifies the facility to which the message will be logged.

Here is an example of how to use the openlog() function to open a connection to the system logger:


$ident = "myapp";
$option = LOG_PID | LOG_PERROR;
$facility = LOG_LOCAL0;
openlog($ident, $option, $facility);

In this example, we use the openlog() function to open a connection to the system logger. We specify a string "myapp" as the $ident parameter, which will be prepended to every message. We also specify the $option parameter to include the process ID in each log message, as well as to send messages to the system console if there is an error. Finally, we specify the $facility parameter to specify the facility to which the message will be logged.


The openlog() function is a useful tool for logging system messages in your PHP web application. By understanding the syntax and usage of the function, you can easily open a connection to the system logger and log messages. We hope this article has been informative and useful in understanding the openlog() function in PHP.

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