PHP Function krsort(): Sort an Array by Key in Reverse Order

Sorting arrays in PHP is a common task, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. The PHP function krsort() is an extremely useful function that allows developers to sort an array by key in reverse order. This function is very powerful and can save a lot of time and effort when sorting arrays. In this article, we will go through the functionality of the krsort() function in detail and demonstrate how to use it in different scenarios.

What is array_krsort()?

The krsort() function is a PHP built-in function that is used to sort an array in reverse order based on its keys. It is a variation of the ksort() function, which is used to sort an array by its keys in ascending order. The krsort() function is very useful when you need to sort an array in reverse order based on its keys. This function sorts the array in descending order, i.e., from the highest key value to the lowest.

Syntax of krsort()

The syntax of the krsort() function is as follows:

krsort($array, $sort_flags);

Here, $array is the array that needs to be sorted, and $sort_flags is an optional parameter that can be used to modify the sorting behavior of the function. The $sort_flags parameter can take one or more sorting flags, separated by the bitwise OR (|) operator. The possible values of $sort_flags are:

  • SORT_REGULAR: This is the default value. The function sorts the elements normally, without any change in their data types.
  • SORT_NUMERIC: The function sorts the elements numerically, i.e., treating them as numbers.
  • SORT_STRING: The function sorts the elements as strings.
  • SORT_LOCALE_STRING: The function sorts the elements as strings, based on the current locale setting.
  • SORT_NATURAL: The function sorts the elements in a natural order, i.e., treating them as strings, but taking into account their numeric values.
  • SORT_FLAG_CASE: This flag can be combined with SORT_STRING or SORT_NATURAL to sort the strings in a case-insensitive manner.

Examples of using krsort()

Now, let's look at some examples of how to use the krsort() function.

Example 1: Sorting an array in reverse order based on its keys


$array = [
    "b" => "banana",
    "a" => "apple",
    "d" => "date",
    "c" => "cherry",




    [d] => date
    [c] => cherry
    [b] => banana
    [a] => apple

In this example, we have an array with four elements. We are sorting the array in reverse order based on its keys using the krsort() function. The output shows that the array has been sorted in descending order based on its keys.

Example 2: Sorting an array in reverse order based on its keys, numerically


$array = [
    "1" => "banana",
    "2" => "apple",
    "3" => "date",
    "4" => "cherry",

krsort($array, SORT_NUMERIC);


In this example, we have an array with four elements, where the keys are numeric strings. We are sorting the array in reverse order based on its keys, numerically, using the krsort() function with the SORT_NUMERIC flag. The output shows that the array has been sorted in descending order based on its numeric keys.

Example 3: Sorting an array in reverse order based on its keys, case-insensitively


$array = [
    "b" => "banana",
    "A" => "apple",
    "d" => "date",
    "C" => "cherry",

krsort($array, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE);



    [d] => date
    [C] => cherry
    [b] => banana
    [A] => apple

In this example, we have an array with four elements, where the keys are strings, some of them in uppercase. We are sorting the array in reverse order based on its keys, case-insensitively, using the krsort() function with the SORT_STRING and SORT_FLAG_CASE flags. The output shows that the array has been sorted in descending order based on its keys, ignoring the case of the strings.


In conclusion, the krsort() function is a very useful PHP function that can help developers to sort arrays in reverse order based on their keys. This function is easy to use and provides a lot of flexibility in terms of sorting behavior. By understanding the syntax and examples of krsort(), you can improve your PHP skills and become a more efficient and effective developer.

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