
The is_numeric() function is a built-in function in PHP that checks whether a variable is numeric or not. A numeric value is a value that can be represented as a number.


The syntax of the is_numeric() function is as follows:

bool is_numeric(mixed $var)

The function takes a single parameter, $var, which is the variable to be checked for being numeric. The function returns true if the variable is numeric, and false otherwise.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the is_numeric() function in PHP:

$var1 = "42";
$var2 = 3.14;
$var3 = "hello";
echo is_numeric($var1) . "\n";  // output: 1 (true)
echo is_numeric($var2) . "\n";  // output: 1 (true)
echo is_numeric($var3) . "\n";  // output: (false)

In this example, we define three variables: $var1 is a string with the value of "42", $var2 is a float with the value of 3.14, and $var3 is a string with the value of "hello". We then use the is_numeric() function to check whether each variable is numeric. The output shows that $var1 and $var2 are numeric (true), while $var3 is not numeric (false).


The is_numeric() function is a useful tool for checking whether a variable is numeric in PHP. It can be used to ensure that a variable has a valid numeric value before performing operations on it, or to handle numeric and non-numeric variables in a particular way. By using this function, developers can ensure that their code is working with the correct data types and avoid errors that may occur when working with mixed data types.

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