What is the fnmatch() Function?

The fnmatch() function is a built-in PHP function that performs a filename matching using a shell wildcard pattern. This function is used to match filenames against a pattern to determine if they meet certain criteria.

Here's the basic syntax of the fnmatch() function:

fnmatch(pattern, string, flags);

Where pattern is the pattern to match against, string is the string to match, and flags is an optional parameter that can be used to modify the behavior of the function.

How to Use the fnmatch() Function?

Using the fnmatch() function is straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Call the fnmatch() function, passing in the pattern to match against and the string to match.
  2. The function will return true if the string matches the pattern, or false if it doesn't match.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the fnmatch() function:


$pattern = "*.txt";
$string = "myfile.txt";
if (fnmatch($pattern, $string)) {
   echo "The string matches the pattern!";
} else {
   echo "The string doesn't match the pattern!";

In this example, we check if the string myfile.txt matches the pattern *.txt using the fnmatch() function. If the string matches the pattern, we output a message indicating that the string matches the pattern. If the string doesn't match the pattern, we output a message indicating that the string doesn't match the pattern.


The fnmatch() function is a useful tool in PHP for performing filename matching using shell wildcard patterns. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily use the fnmatch() function in your PHP projects to match filenames against patterns and determine if they meet certain criteria.

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