Today, we will discuss the exp() function in PHP. This function is used to calculate the exponential value of a number.

What is the exp() Function?

The exp() function in PHP is a built-in function that is used to calculate the exponential value of a number. The exponential value of a number is calculated as e raised to the power of the number provided as input. The function takes a number as input and returns the exponential value of the number.

How to Use the exp() Function

Using the exp() function in PHP is very simple. Here is an example of how to use the function:

$number = 2;

// Calculate the exponential value of the number using the exp() function
$exponential_value = exp($number);

// Output the exponential value of the number
echo $exponential_value;

In this example, we set the number as a variable. We then call the exp() function with the number as a parameter to calculate the exponential value of the number. Finally, we output the exponential value of the number to the screen.


The exp() function in PHP is a useful tool for any PHP developer working with mathematics. By using this function, you can calculate the exponential value of a number, which can be useful in a variety of applications. We hope that this guide has been helpful in understanding how to use the exp() function in your PHP code.

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