
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on calculating the date of Easter using PHP. In this guide, we will show you how to calculate the date of Easter for any given year using the PHP programming language. We will explore the history of Easter and the mathematical calculations involved in determining the date of Easter. By the end of this guide, you will have a thorough understanding of how to calculate the date of Easter using PHP and will be able to use this knowledge in your own PHP projects.

What is Easter?

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is one of the most important holidays in the Christian calendar and is celebrated around the world. Easter falls on a different date each year, and the date of Easter is determined by a set of complex calculations.

History of Easter

Easter has been celebrated by Christians for over 2,000 years. The exact origins of the holiday are unclear, but it is believed to have originated from pagan celebrations of spring. The name "Easter" is believed to have come from the Old English word "ēastre," which was a pagan festival celebrating the spring equinox.

In the Christian tradition, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and rose from the dead three days later, on Easter Sunday. Easter is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox, which usually falls between March 22 and April 25.

Calculating the Date of Easter

The date of Easter is determined by a set of complex calculations that are based on the cycles of the moon and the sun. The calculations were first developed by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and have been refined over the centuries.

The date of Easter is calculated using the following formula:

a = year mod 19 b = year mod 4 c = year mod 7 d = (19a + 24) mod 30 e = (2b + 4c + 6d + 5) mod 7 f = d + e + 22

If f is less than or equal to 31, then Easter falls on March f. If f is greater than 31, then Easter falls on April f - 31.

Using PHP to Calculate the Date of Easter

Now that we understand the history and calculations behind the date of Easter, let's see how we can use PHP to calculate the date of Easter for any given year. We will start by creating a PHP function that takes a year as an argument and returns the date of Easter for that year.

Here is the PHP code to calculate the date of Easter:


function get_easter_date($year) {
  $a = $year % 19;
  $b = $year % 4;
  $c = $year % 7;
  $d = (19 * $a + 24) % 30;
  $e = (2 * $b + 4 * $c + 6 * $d + 5) % 7;
  $f = $d + $e + 22;
  if ($f <= 31) {
    $month = 3;
    $day = $f;
  } else {
    $month = 4;
    $day = $f - 31;
  return mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day,

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