How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about SYMFONY
In a TWIG template, you can access the session data by using the app.session variable.
This error message is indicating that the PHP extension for PDO MySQL is not installed or not enabled on your system.
The '[2002] Connection refused' error in Docker when trying to connect to a MySQL container typically indicates that the MySQL server is not running or is not accessible on the network.
In Symfony 2, you can use the $request->request object to get all request parameters.
In PHP, you can access application parameters from a service by injecting the ParameterBag object into the service class constructor.
To display a string that contains HTML in a Twig template, you can use the raw filter.
In Symfony2, you can use the $this->get('kernel')->getRootDir() method inside a controller to get the server path to the web directory.
When updating vendor through "composer update" or "composer install", the content of "Resources/public" of each bundle is copied into web/bundles. In order to create symlinks you have to make small change in composer.json.
Learn How to programmatically login/authenticate a user with W3docs tutorial. Also, try the examples yourself and see the results
In Symfony2, you can set the class attribute of a form input by using the "attr" option in the form field configuration.
Yes, Doctrine 2 provides a built-in way to get the changed fields in an entity.
This error message indicates that the system is unable to create a cache directory at the specified location.
This error message is indicating that the Symfony framework is unable to find a specific class within the namespaces that have been configured.
In Symfony2, you can redirect to the last route using the redirect function and passing in the referer option:
This error message is typically related to a security feature called "Cross-Site Request Forgery" (CSRF) protection.