Template Element

In the world of web development, JavaScript plays a crucial role in making websites dynamic and engaging. A particularly useful feature it offers is the Template Element. This element allows developers to create reusable chunks of HTML content, which can be utilized across different parts of a website. Let's delve into the workings of this powerful tool.

Understanding the Template Element

The Template Element acts as a container for storing HTML content that isn't immediately rendered on the webpage. Unlike regular HTML elements, content within templates remains inert - invisible let's say - until activated using JavaScript. This feature makes templates ideal for holding pieces of markup that will be reused or conditionally displayed.

  <div>You won't see the template, as it's not activated using JS.</div>
  <div id="template-container">
    <template id="my-template">

Cloning Templates for Dynamic Content

One of the key advantages of JavaScript Templates is their ability to generate clones dynamically. This allows developers to create multiple instances of the same markup with unique data or attributes. And it is the standard way to show the template content. The process is to select the content inside the template element, clone the content, and then insert it somewhere in the DOM.

Do not forget to clone the template content before inserting it into the DOM. Directly appending or manipulating the template content can lead to unintended changes to the original template and unexpected behavior in the application.
    .card {
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      border-radius: 5px;
      padding: 10px;
      margin: 10px;
      width: 200px;
    .card h3 {
      margin: 0;
  <div id="template-container">
    <!-- Template element -->
    <template id="card-template">
      <div class="card">
        <h3 id="card-title">Title</h3>
        <p id="card-content">Content goes here...</p>

  <div id="card-container">
    <!-- Cards will be inserted here -->

    // Data for multiple cards
    const cardData = [
      { title: 'Card 1', content: 'This is the first card.' },
      { title: 'Card 2', content: 'This is the second card.' },
      { title: 'Card 3', content: 'This is the third card.' }

    // Function to create and insert cards
    function createCards(data) {
      const template = document.getElementById('card-template');

      data.forEach(item => {
        const clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);

        // Customize the cloned content
        clone.querySelector('#card-title').textContent = item.title;
        clone.querySelector('#card-content').textContent = item.content;

        // Insert the cloned content into the DOM

    // Create cards with the provided data

Enhancing Interactivity with JavaScript

JavaScript provides methods for accessing the content within a template. By using the content property of a template element, developers can manipulate its internal structure programmatically.

Also JavaScript Templates can be combined with event handling to create interactive user interfaces. By adding event listeners to template content, developers can respond to user actions and create dynamic behaviors.

  <div id="template-container">
    <!-- Button Template -->
    <template id="button-template">
      <button id="show-content-btn">Add a content card</button>

    <!-- Content Template -->
    <template id="content-template">
      <div class="content">
        <h2>Dynamic Content</h2>
        <p>This content is added dynamically when the button is clicked.</p>

  <div id="button-container">
    <!-- Button will be inserted here -->

  <div id="content-container">
    <!-- Content will be displayed here -->

    // Function to display template content
    function displayTemplateContent() {
      // Get the content template
      const contentTemplate = document.getElementById('content-template');
      const contentClone = document.importNode(contentTemplate.content, true);

      // Display the cloned content

    // Insert the button template into the DOM
    function insertButton() {
      // Get the button template
      const buttonTemplate = document.getElementById('button-template');
      const buttonClone = document.importNode(buttonTemplate.content, true);

      // Add event listener to the button
      buttonClone.querySelector('#show-content-btn').addEventListener('click', displayTemplateContent);

      // Insert the button into the DOM

    // Call the function to insert the button when the page loads

In this example:

  • We have two templates: one for a button (button-template) and one for content (content-template).
  • The insertButton function clones the button template and inserts it into the DOM. It also attaches an event listener to the button to call the displayTemplateContent function when clicked.
  • The displayTemplateContent function clones the content template and inserts it into the DOM each time the button is clicked.
  • The button is inserted into the DOM when the page loads by calling insertButton.

Thus, when you click on the "Try it yourself" button, you'll see a button labeled "Add a content card." Each time you click the button, it will add a new piece of content from the content template to the page, demonstrating interactivity and dynamic content insertion.


JavaScript Templates offer a convenient way to manage HTML content in web applications. Their versatility and ease of use make them invaluable tools for developers looking to streamline their workflow and create engaging user experiences. By mastering the Template Element, developers can unlock new possibilities for building dynamic and interactive websites.

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