JavaScript Operators


In JavaScript, understanding comparisons and operators is important for effective scripting. This guide will delve into comparison operators, arithmetic operations, and string concatenation, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of these essential concepts.

JavaScript Comparison Operators

Equality and Inequality

Strict (===) and Loose (==) Equality

Strict equality (===) checks both value and type, while loose equality (==) converts types before comparison.

// Strict equality console.log(3 === '3'); // false // Loose equality console.log(3 == '3'); // true

Greater Than (>) and Less Than (<)

These operators are used for comparing numeric values.

// Greater than console.log(5 > 3); // true console.log(5 < 3); // false

Special Cases in Comparisons

Comparing Non-Numeric Values

JavaScript performs type coercion, often leading to unexpected outcomes.

// String and boolean comparison console.log('2' < true); // false

NaN Comparisons

NaN (Not-A-Number.) is not equal to any value, including itself.

console.log(NaN == NaN); // false

Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript

Basic Operators: Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/)

These operators are used for basic arithmetic operations.

// Addition console.log(5 + 3); // 8

Modulus (%) and Exponentiation (**)

Modulus returns the division remainder, while exponentiation raises a number to the power of another.

// Modulus console.log(10 % 4); // 2 // Exponentiation console.log(3 ** 2); // 9

String Concatenation and the Binary + Operator

Concatenating Strings

In JavaScript, the + operator is used for both numeric addition and string concatenation.

// String concatenation console.log('Hello ' + 'World!'); // Hello World! // Using template literals let name = 'Alice'; console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`); // Hello, Alice!

Binary + and Type Coercion

When one operand is a string, JavaScript converts the other to a string as well.

// Binary + with string and number console.log('3' + 2); // "32"

Best Practices for Concatenation

Use template literals for clarity and avoid confusion with numeric addition.
// Template literal console.log(`3 + 2 is ${3 + 2}`); // 3 + 2 is 5


Understanding comparisons, arithmetic operators, and string concatenation is fundamental in JavaScript. This knowledge forms the basis of numerous programming tasks, from simple calculations to complex decision-making processes.

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Which of the following statements about JavaScript comparisons are correct?

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