The <applet> tag was used to define an embedded Java applet. The use of Java applets is now deprecated as most browsers no longer support the use of plug-ins, including the Java plug-in.
The <applet> element can contain other HTML tags and text between its opening and closing tags.
Some browsers still support the <applet> tag, but they require additional plug-in or installations to work.
This element is a deprecated HTML tag in HTML 4.01 and is entirely obsolete in HTML5. Use the <object> or <embed> element instead.
The <applet> tag comes in pairs. The content is written between the opening (<applet>) and closing (</applet>) tags.
Example of the HTML <applet> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
<applet code="game.class" align="left" archive="" height="250" width="350">
<param name="difficulty" value="easy">
<b>You need Java to play this game.</b>

Example of the HTML <object> tag used as a replacement for the <applet> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
<object codetype="application/java" classid="java:programmingtutorials.class" height="200" width="200">Programming Tutorials</object>
Attribute | Value | Description |
align | left right top bottom middle baseline |
Is used to position the applet according to other elements. |
alt | text | Is used to create an alternate text for the applet. |
archive | URL | Is used to define the archive file's location. |
code | URL | Is used to define the Java applet's name. |
object | name | Is used to define a reference to a serialized representation of an applet. |
codebase | URL | Gives a relative base URL for applets specified in the code attribute. |
height | pixels | Defines the height of the applet. |
hspace | pixels | Is used to define the horizontal space around the applet. |
name | name | Is used to give a name for the applet. |
vspace | pixels | Is used to define vertical space around an applet. |
width | pixel | Is used to define the width of an applet. |
Browser support
✕ | ✓ | ✓ | ✕ |
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Which of the following statements about the HTML <applet> tag are correct?
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