How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about XML
The "Content is not allowed in prolog" error typically occurs when you try to parse an XML document that contains characters before the XML prolog (the <?xml ...?> declaration).
In PHP, you can use the simplexml_load_string function to check if a string is a valid XML without displaying a warning.
In PHP, you can use the output control functions to capture the output of a PHP script into a variable.
To see the actual XML generated by the PHP SOAP Client class, you can use the __getLastRequest() method.
You can use the xml library in Python to parse XML and get instances of a particular node attribute.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used to store and transport data. Learn how to accurately parse XML with PHP simpleXML library in this simple snippet.
To pretty print XML from Java, you can use the javax.xml.transform.Transformer class from the Java XML Transformer API.
To read XML using XPath in Java, you can use the javax.xml.xpath package.
In this tutorial, you will find several approaches to strippingan HTML from a sting in JavaScript easily. Get the codes and explanations right away.
To convert a java.util.Date object to an XMLGregorianCalendar in Java, you can use the toGregorianCalendar method of the DatatypeFactory class.
The error org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog usually indicates that there is some content before the XML prolog in the file you are trying to parse.
You can use the addCData() method of the SimpleXMLElement class to add a CDATA section to an XML element.
You can remove a child element with a specific attribute in SimpleXML for PHP using the xpath() function.
To convert a SimpleXml object to a string in PHP, you can use the asXML() function.
This error message typically occurs when there is additional content or characters after the closing root element in an XML document.