How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about STRING
Sometimes, the work with PHP requires to check whether a string starts or ends with a particular string. Learn how to do it with the help of our tutorial.
To check if a string contains a substring (ignoring case) in Java, you can use the contains method of the String class and the equalsIgnoreCase method.
In PHP, you can include a constant in a string without concatenating it by using double quotes (") instead of single quotes (') to define the string.
To remove the first character of a string in Java, you can use the substring() method of the String class.
To convert a byte array to a string and back to a byte array in Java, you can use the getBytes method of the String class and the getBytes method of the Charset class.
In Java, there are several ways to convert an int value to a String:
In Java, you can use the length field of an array to determine the size of the array. For example, given an array arr, you can get the size of the array using arr.length.
In JavaScript, you can use the following special characters to add a new line in a string:
To split a string in Java using a dot (.) as the delimiter, you can use the split method of the String class.
To convert a string to a date in Java, you can use the parse method of the SimpleDateFormat class.
To convert a List<String> to a single string by joining the elements of the list with a separator, you can use the join() method of the java.util.StringJoiner class.
There are several ways to initialize a String array in Java. Here are a few examples:
To get the position of a match in a String in Java, you can use the indexOf() method of the String class.
To left pad a String with zeros in Java, you can use the String.format() method and the %0Nd format specifier, where N is the total length of the padded string.
To convert a string to its hexadecimal representation, you can use the bin2hex function in PHP.
You can use the strstr() function in PHP to remove all characters before a specific string.
To check if a string contains another string in PHP, you can use the strpos() function.
There are a few different ways to extract text within parentheses in PHP, depending on the specific requirements of your use case.
In Python, you can use the built-in open() function to create a text file and write a string to it.
This error message is indicating that there is a problem with a string in your code.
Here is a simple function that generates a random string of a given length using upper case letters and digits:
To read and write a string from and to a file in Android, you can use the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes along with the InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter classes.
You can use the preg_replace function in PHP to remove all non-numeric characters from a string.
To remove all occurrences of a particular character from a string, you can use the replace() method. This method takes two arguments: the string to be replaced, and the string to replace it with. If you pass an empty string as the second argument
Here is an example of code that removes all special characters, punctuation, and spaces from a string in Python: