How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about MATH
To perform a multiplication between a float and an integer in Java, you can simply use the * operator as you would with any other numeric data types. The result of the multiplication will be a float, even if one of the operands is an integer.
You can use the isnan() function provided by the math module to check if a value is NaN.
Read this JavaScript tutorial and learn about the best method of calculating the text width. Read about the advantages of the method over other methods.
In this tutorial, you will read and learn detailed information about the methods used for converting a float number to a whole number with lots of examples.
There are a few different ways to evaluate a math expression given in string form:
Read this JavaScript tutorial and learn about the methods used to find the minimum and maximum number of elements in an array. Find the fastest solution.
In this JavaScript tutorial, you will find information about the formatting number to display with two decimals. Also, read about solving rounding issues.
It is frequently necessary to generate a random number between two numbers while working with JavaScript. This snippet will help you to do it efficiently.
Math.random() is a method in the java.lang.Math class that returns a random double value between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).