How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about DATE
To convert a java.util.Date object to an XMLGregorianCalendar in Java, you can use the toGregorianCalendar method of the DatatypeFactory class.
You can use the DateTime class in PHP to find the time elapsed since a specific date time.
You can use the DateTime object in PHP to subtract one month from a date formatted with date('m-Y').
To select records from today, you can use the following code:
To sort an ArrayList of custom objects by a property, you can use the Collections.sort method and pass it a custom Comparator.
The date format "2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z" is an ISO 8601 extended format, which is often used for exchanging date and time information in a machine-readable format.
Without more context, it is difficult to say why subtracting two times would give a strange result. Here are a few potential explanations: