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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Title of the document</title> <style> body { background-color: #ccc; padding: 0 50px; width: 100%; } svg, .box { position: absolute; } .box { animation: move 3s 0ms infinite alternate ease-in-out; background: linear-gradient(#8ebf42 50%, #1c87c9 50%); height: 50px; width: 50px; offset-path: path("M0,380 C9.32293455,260.130586 35.1510596,182.38319 77.484375,146.757812 C140.984348,93.3197459 266.91385,262.809311 332.683594,240.753906 C398.453337,218.698502 450.023437,1.28465307 450.023437,1.28465307"); } @keyframes move { 100% { offset-distance: 100%; } } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Offset-anchor property example</h2> <svg class="track" viewBox="0 0 451 379" width="451px" height="379px"> <path fill="none" stroke="#666" stroke-width="1" d="M0,380 C9.32293455,260.130586 35.1510596,182.38319 77.484375,146.757812 C140.984348,93.3197459 266.91385,262.809311 332.683594,240.753906 C398.453337,218.698502 450.023437,1.28465307 450.023437,1.28465307"></path> </svg> <div class="box"></div> </body> </html>