Remove final character from string

You can remove the final character from a string in Python using string slicing. For example, if you have a string called "string" and you want to remove the last character, you can use the following code snippet:

string = string[:-1]

This creates a new string that is a slice of the original string, starting from the first character (0th index) and going up to the second-to-last character.

For example,

string = "Hello World"
string = string[:-1]

This will output:

"Hello Worl"

You can also use string slicing to remove multiple characters from the end of a string. For example, to remove the last two characters of a string, you can use the following code snippet:

string = string[:-2]

Another way to remove the last character from a string is using the rstrip() method.

string = "Hello World"
string = string.rstrip('d')

It will output

"Hello Worl"