How to install pip with Python 3?

To install pip with Python 3, you can use the following command:

python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

This command will upgrade pip if it is already installed, and if it is not installed, it will install it for the version of Python that you're currently running.

Alternatively, you can download the script from the official pip website, and then use the Python interpreter to run the script:

curl -o

This will install pip for the version of Python that you're currently running.

It's worth mentioning that starting from Python 3.4, pip is included with the Python standard library. So if you are running python 3.4 or later, you should already have pip installed. You can check the version of pip you have by running the following command:

pip3 --version

Also note that, on some systems, the pip command is called pip3, so you may need to use pip3 instead of pip in the commands above.

Once pip is installed, you can use it to install packages and modules for your Python 3 environment by running commands like:

pip3 install <package-name>

You can also use it to upgrade packages by running:

pip3 install --upgrade <package-name>

If you have multiple version of python installed, Make sure that you're running the version of pip that corresponds to the version of Python you're using by checking the version of python your pip command refers to by running:

pip --version


pip3 --version

and ensure it's the same as the version of python your using, otherwise you should use the correct command to install packages for the python version you are working with.