Convert hex string to integer in Python

You can use the int() function in Python to convert a hex string to an integer. The int() function takes two arguments: the first is the hex string, and the second is the base of the number system used in the string (base 16 for hex).

Here's an example:

hex_string = "a1f"
int_value = int(hex_string, 16)

The output will be:


You can also use the int.from_bytes() function to convert hex string to integer by specifying byte order as 'big' or 'little'.

hex_string = "a1f"
int_value = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(hex_string), byteorder='big')

The output will be:


Note that the int() function will raise a ValueError if the hex string contains any non-hexadecimal characters.