How to Use the func_get_arg() Function in PHP
In PHP, for getting a mentioned value from the argument passed as a parameter, you can use the inbuilt func_get_arg() function.
The syntax of this function is demonstrated below:
mixed func_get_arg( int $arg )
This function can accept only one parameter that is $arg.
The func_get_arg function returns the mentioned argument on success and FALSE, otherwise.
To be clear, we will demonstrate an example:
// Function definition
function w3docs($a, $b, $c)
// Call the func_get_arg() function
echo "Print second argument: " . func_get_arg(1) . "\n";
// Function call
w3docs('hello', 'php', 'w3docs');
Sometimes, while using the func_get_arg() function, errors can occur.
Below, we will consider the two main situations that can cause errors.
- Once the argument offset value is higher than the actual value of the arguments passed as the function parameter.
- Once the function is not called inside the user-defined function.
Here is an example:
// Function definition
function w3docs($a, $b, $c)
// Printing the sixth argument
// that doesn't exist
echo "Printing the sixth argument: " . func_get_arg(5) . "\n";
// Function call
w3docs('hello', 'php', 'w3docs');
Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 5 not passed to function in [...][...] on line 4
Describing the func_get_arg() Function
This PHP function is capable of getting a particular argument from the arguments list of a user-defined function.
You can use it along with func_get_args() and func_num_args() for allowing a user-defined function to accept a variable-length argument list.