Best way to document Array options in PHPDoc?

When documenting an array option in PHPDoc, you can use the @var tag followed by the type array and a short description of the option. For example:

 * @var array[string] $options An array of strings as options for the function.

$options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"];

 * Function to output the contents of the $options array.
function outputOptions()
  global $options;
  foreach ($options as $option) {
    echo $option . "\n";


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You can also specify the type of elements the array contains by using the [] notation after the type, like this:

 * @var array[int] $numbers An array of integers.

$numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

 * Function to output the contents of the $numbers array.
function outputNumbers()
  global $numbers;
  foreach ($numbers as $number) {
    echo $number . "\n";


It's also a good practice to document the keys of the array if they're important, like this:

 * @var array[string => int] $scores An associative array of strings (player names) as keys and integers (scores) as values.

$scores = array("Player 1" => 100, "Player 2" => 200, "Player 3" => 300);

 * Function to output the contents of the $scores array.
function outputScores()
  global $scores;
  foreach ($scores as $player => $score) {
    echo $player . ": " . $score . "\n";


Overall, it's important to be as descriptive and clear as possible when documenting an array option, so that other developers can understand how to use it correctly.