Java default constructor

In Java, a default constructor is a constructor that is automatically generated by the compiler if no other constructors are defined in a class.

A default constructor has no parameters and no implementation. It simply calls the superclass constructor with no arguments.

Here is an example of a class with a default constructor:

public class MyClass {
  // No constructors are defined, so a default constructor is generated by the compiler

This class has a default constructor that looks like this:

public MyClass() {

If you define any other constructors in the class, the default constructor will not be generated by the compiler.

For example, if you define a constructor with parameters in the MyClass class:

public class MyClass {
  private String name;

  public MyClass(String name) { = name;

The default constructor will not be generated, and you will not be able to call the default constructor using the new MyClass() syntax.