Including dependencies in a jar with Maven

To include dependencies in a JAR file with Maven, you can use the maven-assembly-plugin to create an assembly that includes all the dependencies of your project.

First, add the maven-assembly-plugin to your pom.xml file:

        <!-- Configure the assembly here -->

Next, configure the assembly to include all the dependencies of your project. You can do this by adding a dependencySet element to the configuration of the maven-assembly-plugin.

For example, to include all the dependencies in a JAR file called project-with-dependencies.jar, you can use the following configuration:

<!-- src/main/assembly/assembly.xml -->
<assembly xmlns=""

Finally, run the assembly:single goal of the maven-assembly-plugin to create the JAR file with dependencies.

mvn assembly:single

This will create the JAR file project-with-dependencies.jar in the target directory, which includes all the dependencies of your project.

Note that the assembly:single goal creates an assembly for a single artifact, so it will only include the dependencies of the artifact that you specify. If you want to include the dependencies of multiple artifacts, you can use