How to get the separate digits of an int number?

To get the separate digits of an integer number, you can convert the number to a string, and then use the list() function to convert the string to a list of characters.

Here is an example:

# Get the separate digits of the number 12345
number = 12345

# Convert the number to a string
number_str = str(number)

# Convert the string to a list of characters
digits = list(number_str)

# Print the list of digits

The output will be: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']

You can also use a loop to iterate over the digits and convert them back to integers if needed:

# Get the separate digits of the number 12345
number = 12345

# Convert the number to a string
number_str = str(number)

# Iterate over the characters in the string and convert them to integers
for digit in number_str:
  digit = int(digit)
  # Do something with the digit

The output will be: 1 2 3 4 5