How to check String in response body with mockMvc

To check a string in the response body with MockMvc, you can use the andExpect() method of the MockMvcResultMatchers class.

Here is an example of how to use MockMvcResultMatchers.andExpect() to check a string in the response body:

       .andExpect(content().string("user1, user2, user3"));

In this example, the get() method of MockMvcRequestBuilders is used to send a GET request to the /users URL, and the andExpect() method is used to assert that the response has a 200 OK status and that the response body contains the string "user1, user2, user3".

You can also use the MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath() method to check a specific value in the response body using JSONPath. For example:


This example checks that the first element in the "users" array has a "name" property with the value "user1".

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.