Convert int to char in java

To convert an int value to a char value in Java, you can use the char type's conversion method, (char). This method takes an int value as an argument and returns the corresponding char value.

Here's an example of how you can use the (char) method to convert an int value to a char value:

int intValue = 65;
char charValue = (char) intValue;
System.out.println(charValue);  // Outputs 'A'

In this example, the int value 65 is passed as an argument to the (char) method. The method returns the corresponding char value, which is 'A'. The char value is then printed to the console.

Note that the (char) method only works for int values that represent valid Unicode characters. If you pass an int value that is outside the range of valid Unicode characters (0 to 65535), the method will return an undefined character.