How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about PYTHON
You can use the sort method of a list and pass in a key argument, which is a function that takes an object and returns the value on which you want to sort the list.
You can use the sorted() function with the key parameter to specify a function that extracts the element at the desired index.
To sort a Pandas DataFrame based on the values in a column, you can use the sort_values() method of the DataFrame.
There are several ways to stop a Python script from running:
You can use the datetime module in Python to subtract a day from a date.
In Python, you can test multiple variables for equality against a single value using the == operator.
To uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4, you can use the following commands in the terminal:
You can use the pip freeze command to generate a requirements file that includes all of the current packages and their versions, and then use pip install -r to upgrade all packages to the latest available versions.
You can use the urllib.parse.urlencode() function to urlencode a querystring in Python.
You can use the glob.glob() function from the glob module to search for files recursively.
To use the function with multiple arguments, you will need to use the starmap() method instead.
Inline if statements, also known as ternary operators, can be used to write a shorthand version of an if-else statement.
A KeyError in Python is raised when a dictionary key is not found in the dictionary.
Here's an example of using an if-else statement within a list comprehension:
.pyc files are compiled bytecode files that are generated by the Python interpreter when a .py file is imported.
Here is an example of using an if/else statement in a list comprehension in Python:
To import a module from a relative path in Python, you can use the importlib.import_module() function from the importlib module.
It looks like you are trying to import the urllib2 module, which is not available in Python 3.
This error message occurs when the matplotlib.pyplot module is not installed or not imported properly in your Python environment.
Here is a code snippet that demonstrates how to catch the "ImportError: No module named PIL" error:
Here is a code snippet that demonstrates how to handle the "No module named pip" error:
This error message indicates that the "requests" module, which is used for making HTTP requests in Python, is not installed on your system or is not in the Python path.
To import a module from a different folder in Python, you can use the sys.path.append() function to add the path to the folder containing the module to your Python path.
In Python, you can use the sys.path.append() method to add the parent directory to the list of paths where Python looks for modules.
You can use a for loop and the float() function to convert each item in a list to a float.