In which scenario would you use React's 'useRef' hook?

Understanding React's useRef Hook

React's useRef hook is commonly utilized for direct interaction with a DOM element - the correct answer to the quiz question. It creates a ref object that can be assigned to React elements via the ref attribute. Each ref object is characterized by a .current property, which gets initialized with the passed argument and persists throughout the component's lifecycle.

Consider a scenario where you have an input field — you'd want to focus on that field as soon as the page loads, happen manually using plain JavaScript, but in a React component, we would make use of useRef:

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function TextInput() {
  const inputRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <input ref={inputRef} type="text" />;

Here, useRef is used to create a ref (inputRef), attached to the input field. Now inputRef.current refers to this input field’s DOM node, and thus inputRef.current.focus(); focuses the input field.

It's worth noting that useRef differs from other hooks as it doesn't cause re-renders upon changes in its .current value. This makes useRef great for storing persistent data that does not change the component output.

Remember, while useRef is powerful, resorting to DOM manipulations in React should be your last resort. Always strive to achieve your goals utilizing React's declarative nature first, and use useRef only when necessary.

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