How do you create a ref in a class component in React?

Understanding Refs in React Class Components

In React, 'refs' provide a way to access and interact with elements in the DOM or instance of a class component. The question refers to creating a 'ref' in a class component, and the correct method to do so is React.createRef().

Using React.createRef()

The React.createRef() method is used to create a new ref that can be attached to the React elements. When a ref is attached to an element, it allows us to directly access that element or the instance of a class component.

Here's an example of creating a ref in a class component:

class myClassComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.myRef = React.createRef();

    render() {
        return <div ref={this.myRef} />;

In this example, React.createRef() is called in the constructor of the component, creating a new ref myRef. This ref is then passed to an HTML div element in the render function using the ref attribute. Now, this.myRef provides a direct way to interact with the div element.

Insights and Best Practices

It's important to note that React refs should be used sparingly and in situations where you can't use the usual data flow patterns. Generally, refs are used in a few common use cases including:

  • Managing focus, text selection, or media playback.
  • Integrating with third-party DOM libraries.
  • Triggering imperative animations.

Also, avoid accessing or updating refs during rendering as this can lead to inconsistent results. React may choose to delay or batch multiple changes to ref values in order to optimize rendering performance.

In conclusion, refs are a powerful tool in React, but they should be handled with care. Creating a ref in a class component is done with the React.createRef() method, thus giving direct access to elements or class component instances.

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