How can you convert the string '3.14' to a number in JavaScript?

Converting Strings to Numbers in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are several ways to convert a string to a number, regardless of whether the string contains an integer or a floating point. In the quiz, we learned that you can convert the string '3.14' to a number using, Number('3.14') and parseFloat('3.14').

The Number() Function

The Number() function works by trying to convert its argument into a number. Look at the following example:

let str = '3.14';
let num = Number(str);
console.log(num);  // Output: 3.14

In the code above, we converted a string '3.14' to a number 3.14 using Number(). If the string cannot be converted into a number, it will return NaN.

The parseFloat() Function

Another function that can convert a string into a number is parseFloat(). This function converts its string argument into a floating-point number.

let str = '3.14';
let num = parseFloat(str);
console.log(num); // Output: 3.14

In the above example, parseFloat('3.14') returns the same result as Number('3.14'), a number 3.14. If the string argument cannot be converted to a floating-point number, this function will return NaN.

An important point to remember with parseFloat is that it stops parsing a string when it encounters a non-numeric character (except dot '.' for decimal). For example:

let str = '3.14abc';
let num = parseFloat(str);
console.log(num); // Output: 3.14

Best Practices

In many cases, Number() and parseFloat() are interchangeable when you're dealing with numeric strings. However, remember that parseFloat() is more forgiving and can parse numbers embedded in non-numeric strings.

Do note that in situations where you're working with integers, the parseInt() function is more suitable, as it parses a string argument and returns an integer, and stops parsing when it encounters a non-numeric character, similar to parseFloat().

Use these functions wisely based on the type of strings you're dealing with. Remember, well-crafted code is all about understanding and using the features of the language to their fullest, and using the correct function at the correct place!

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