What is the default session timeout in PHP?

Understanding Default Session Timeout in PHP

PHP is widely known for its session handling capabilities which play an essential role in maintaining state information. In PHP, the default session timeout is set to 24 minutes. Session timeout, also known as the session expiration time, refers to the duration of time a session ID remains valid once initiated. After this period has passed, the server will typically interpret subsequent requests as the beginning of a new session.

Consider a user who logs into a website. A session ID is generated to maintain their login status across different pages. If the user does not interact with the website within the session timeout, the server will treat them as logged out, thus requiring the user to log in again. This feature is vital for enhancing security and usability in web applications.

Here is an example of initiating a session in PHP:

// Start the session

Although PHP's default session timeout is 24 minutes, you can modify this duration in your php.ini configuration file. The key terms to look for are session.gc_maxlifetime, session.cookie_lifetime, and session.cache_expire. Be careful to choose appropriate values based on your application's requirements because setting a long session timeout might be a security risk, while a short timeout might affect your users' experience as they could be forced to re-login frequently.

Moreover, other factors such as cache settings could influence the real-world session timeout. Hence, developers should always keep a holistic view of the server and application settings affecting session behavior.

PHP's session handling gives developers an effective tool for maintaining state and tracking user interactions across multiple pages within a web application. By understanding these concepts and using them wisely, it's possible to create more secure and user-friendly web applications.

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