Which is undefined variable?
var1 = "12";
if (var2) {
  delete var2;
} else if (var1) {
  delete var1;

Understanding Undefined Variables in JavaScript

When programming in JavaScript, you might sometimes encounter an undefined variable. This typically means that the variable has been declared, but has not been assigned a value. In the given quiz question, you're asked to identify which variable is undefined. The question provides a short snippet of JavaScript code and four possible answers ("None", "both", "only var1", "only var2").

In the provided code:

var1 = "12";
if (var2) {
  delete var2;
} else if (var1) {
  delete var1;

It's clear that var1 is defined (and assigned a string value of "12"). However, var2 isn't explicitly defined anywhere in the code. For this reason, var2 is actually the undefined variable. The confusion might stem from the use of delete keyword. In JavaScript, delete is used to delete properties from objects; it does not delete variables. When it's used on var1 or var2, it does not make them undefined.

However, in the context of this question, both var1 and var2 would be considered undefined because although var1 is assigned a value, it has not been declared using var, let, or const keywords.

For example, the correct way to declare and assign a value to var1 would be:

let var1 = "12";

Using let (or var or const) ensures the variable is correctly declared in the current scope.

It's a best practice to always define your variables before you use them to avoid potential runtime errors in JavaScript. Also, avoid using the delete operator on variables. It's primarily intended for removing properties from objects, not for making variables undefined.

To sum up, in the given code, both var1 and var2 are considered undefined due to the lack of proper variable declaration. Thus, the correct answer to the question is "both".

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