How do you start the PHP scripting block?

Understanding PHP Scripting Block Syntax

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language used for creating dynamic websites. In PHP, scripts are enclosed in a special block, starting with <?php and ending with ?>. These tags tell the server where PHP scripts begin and end in the code.

Here's a basic example of PHP Syntax:

    echo "Hello, World!";

In this case, <?php starts the PHP block and ?> ends it. echo "Hello, World!"; is a simple PHP command that prints the text "Hello, World!" to the website.

Another valid option for starting a PHP block is the shorthand tag <? ... ?>. However, this version is less commonly used and its support depends on the short_open_tag setting in the php.ini file. Due to its inconsistent support across different servers, using the full <?php ... ?> tag is more widely recommended and considered best practice.

It's essential to note that PHP code can be embedded within plain HTML files. Here's an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>Hello World</h1>

echo "This is PHP!";


In this example, the PHP code is rendered and executed on the server before the resulting HTML is sent to the client's browser - thus, users only see the output of the PHP code, not the code itself.

Using the correct PHP tags is vital for ensuring that your scripts are recognized and executed correctly by the server. By adhering to best practices in PHP syntax, it ensures your code is clean, readable, and capable of running on any server with PHP support.

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