Which Angular CLI command is used to run end-to-end tests?
ng e2e

Understanding ng e2e - The Angular CLI Command for End-to-End Testing

Testing is the cornerstone of any successful application development process; from unit tests to integration tests and end-to-end (E2E) tests. When working with the Angular framework, such tests can be navigated using the Angular CLI.

In the context of Angular, the command ng e2e is used to run end-to-end tests. This command launches a server where the application full stack (both frontend and backend logic) can be tested together to ensure they are functioning as expected.

E2E tests are integral to verify that the application will work correctly when used by an end user. They involve checking the entire application process from start to finish. This typically involves testing user interactions, data processing, and even communication with the backend services.

For instance, an e-commerce application might include an E2E test that starts with a user visiting the site, then searching for a product, adding it to the cart, checking out, and receiving an order confirmation.

To conduct such an analysis, developers employ the Protractor— a robust, end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications.

Here's an example of how you can use the ng e2e command:

First, navigate to your project root directory in your terminal, then run:

ng e2e

By default, the command does not require any arguments. However, Angular CLI provides several optional flags you can use based on your requirements. For instance, you can use --protractor-config to specify a custom configuration file for Protractor.

Angular's CLI and its capability for E2E testing simplify the testing process greatly and ensure the delivery of robust and reliable applications. It's a best practice to utilize E2E testing in your development process to catch errors and inconsistencies that might slip through unit or integration tests. Such a proactive approach significantly ensures seamless user experience by confirming that your application works as a cohesive whole, meeting user expectations exactly as intended.

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