Which decorator is used for creating a new instance of a service in Angular?

Understanding the @Injectable Decorator in Angular

Angular provides a strong system for dependency injection which is an essential part of its architecture. This system designates how components acquire dependencies.

The correct answer to the quiz question asked above is @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }). So, let's unpack why this is the correct answer.

The @Injectable decorator, as implied by its name, is used for making a service or value that can be injected into other Angular components. This is a crucial part of Angular's dependency injection system.

When you create a service with the Angular CLI, automatically this decorator is added to the service class. Here's a basic example:

  providedIn: 'root',
export class MyService { 
  constructor() { }

In this particular decorator, providedIn: 'root' means that the service is provided at the root level (the AppModule) and it's registered as a singleton. This implies that Angular will create a single, shared instance of MyService and deliver it to any class that asks for it. Therefore, when we say "@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) is used for creating a new instance of a service in Angular", it more accurately establishes a single instance of a service to be utilized across the whole application.

Unlike @Injectable, other Angular decorators like @Component, @NgModule, and @Directive do not have the authority to create services. @Component is used for creating Angular components, @NgModule for creating Angular modules, and @Directive for making Angular directives.

To ensure the best usage of @Injectable, its best practice to always add it to the service class, even when the service doesn't currently have any dependencies. It will ensure the service is correctly instantiated when adding dependencies in the future. This is a good habit that would save you from possible bugs in the development process.

It's also viable to use @Injectable with other providedIn scopes other than 'root' depending on your service requirements. Other scopes can include a specific NgModule, a component or any component that is an instance of a given class.

In conclusion, @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) allows Angular to get a hold of the dependencies a service might have by generating a single service instance that can be injected into different parts of your application. It's a critical part of making the application modular and maintainable.

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