What is the purpose of 'resolve' guard in Angular routing?

Understanding 'Resolve' Guard in Angular Routing

In Angular, a 'resolve' guard is a critical interface that is used for preparing or "preloading" data for a component prior to rendering the component's route. This ensures that all necessary data for a component's functioning is readily available before the component is initiated.

When navigating across different routes within an Angular application, you may come across situations where certain data is required upfront. These could be instances such as user information from an API before loading a user profile route or fetching some table data from a server before rendering a table. In such situations, the 'resolve' guard becomes substantially beneficial.

'Resolve' navigational guards in Angular mimics a middleware operation. A request for a route is made, the resolver does its task, and only when it completes, Angular will navigate to the route, armed with the data that the 'resolve' guard has loaded.

Here is a simple illustration of the 'resolve' guard in Angular:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Resolve } from '@angular/router';
import { Data } from './app.data';
import { TodoService } from './todo.service';

export class TodoResolve implements Resolve<Data> {

  constructor(private todoService: TodoService) {}

  resolve() {
    return this.todoService.getTodos();

In the example provided, TodoResolve is a 'resolve' guard that preloads the 'todos' data needed for a certain route. The data is fetched from a TodoService service and once that data is secured, Angular will initiate the rendering for the component's route.

To use it in your route configuration:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'todo',
    component: TodoComponent,
    resolve: {
      todos: TodoResolve

In the 'resolve' property, todos would refer to the data that the TodoResolve resolver will return. The data returned from each resolver is stored under its own key, todos in this case.

It's important to remember to handle errors properly in your resolve guards. If an error occurs during the resolution process, the routing navigation will cancel and user will not be taken to the route. This can be mitigated by implementing proper error handling in your services or by using catch and replace strategies.

In conclusion, 'resolve' guard is an essential navigation guard in Angular routing that ensures consistent data availability, thus enhancing the user experience by preventing partially loaded or blank components. While the use of a 'resolve' guard is entirely dependent on the application architecture and specific needs, it remains one of the best practices for preloading data and organizing code in Angular.

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