What is the default port number Vue CLI serves the application on?

Understanding Default Port for Vue CLI Applications

The Vue CLI, or command line interface, is a comprehensive tooling system for rapid Vue.js development. Upon creating a new Vue project and running the npm run serve command, it initially serves the application on a specific port. This port is the medium that methods or processes use for communications.

According to the JSON formatted quiz question, the default port number that the Vue CLI serves the application on is 8080. However, as a developer, let's understand what this means in depth.

Working with Vue CLI

After you've successfully installed Vue CLI and you create a new project with the vue create {project-name} command and then run the command npm run serve, you will notice in the console output that the application is being served on http://localhost:8080/.

This means that your Vue application is being hosted on your local machine (hence the term 'localhost') at port 8080.

Practical Assertion of the Port Number

To assert this practically, open a web browser and type in the address http://localhost:8080/. You should be able to see your Vue application up and running. If your application won't run on this port, it's either that port 8080 is being used by another application or a different configuration has been specified in the vue.config.js file.

Customizing the Port Number

Although 8080 is the default port, Vue CLI allows changing this to suit your preference or project requirement. For instance, if your project is conflicting with another application that uses the same port, you can modify the port where your Vue application will be served.

To change the default port, you can modify the vue.config.js file in your project directory. If the file doesn't exist, create one. Inside the vue.config.js file, set the devServer.port property to your preferred port number as follows:

module.exports = {
    devServer: {
        port: 3000

After this change, your Vue application will now be served on port 3000.

Concluding Thoughts

While Vue CLI defaults to using port 8080, it provides the flexibility to developers to customize this according to their needs. However, it is important to ensure that the chosen port is free (i.e., not used by another application) to prevent any conflicts. All these make Vue CLI a powerful and efficient tool for Vue.js development, enhancing a developer's productivity.

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