Which Vue.js feature is used to transform props into local, reactive data?

Understanding Vue.js: Props Down, Events Up Feature

In Vue.js, one of the vital features to understand is the "props down, events up" (PDEU) pattern. It is a common directive for managing and transforming properties (props) into local, reactive data. Essentially, this pattern describes how child components can communicate with their parent components.

In Vue.js, all properties from a parent component are passed to child components via props. This is the "props down" aspect of the pattern. Props are the way to pass data from a parent to a child in Vue.js. They allow you to maintain a unidirectional data flow, which always moves from the parent component downwards to the child components.

For example:

    <child-component :proppassed="parentData"></child-component>

import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      parentData: "This is data from parent component"
  components: {

In this simple example, the parent component passes 'parentData' down as a prop to 'ChildComponent'.

The "events up" part of PDEU is about raising events from child components to their parent components. Communication from a child component to its parent is managed through custom events. By using $emit, you can send an event up to the parent component, notifying it of a change or conveying new information.

    <button @click="notifyParent">Notify Parent</button>
export default {
  methods: {
    notifyParent() {
      this.$emit('childEvent', 'This is data from child component');

The 'Notify Parent' button in this child component will trigger the 'notifyParent' method when clicked, which will in turn emit a custom event named 'childEvent' with an associated message to the parent component.

In conclusion, the "Props down, events up" pattern is a fundamental concept in Vue.js for maintaining organized, scalable, and manageable codes. Understanding it and using it correctly will lead to clean interactions between parent and child components and make debugging easier.

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